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Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Collaborative Artificial Intelligence

Programming language: C++
Software: Microsoft Visual Studio
Engine: Opengl

Owner is a cleric, he/she have a pet, a Dragon.
Owner had to take care of the Dragon, and the Dragon will protect the owner till it dies.

FSM  # 1 - Owner    

If Dragon hunger is more than 50, the Owner FEED the Dragon.
If Owner never see monster, Owner MOVE around.
If Owner see monster, Owner send message to Dragon. While Dragon protecting Owner, the Owner is in STAND BY mode to fight monster. (Even if Owner feeding the Dragon)
If Dragon’s health point less than 80 over 100, Owner will HEAL Dragon every 0.5 second.
If Dragon dies, Owner will FIGHT the monster.
If Owner health point less than or equal to 0, Owner will DIE.


If Dragon hunger is more than 50, the Owner FEED the Dragon.
If Owner never see monster, Owner MOVE around.
If Owner see monster, Owner send message to Dragon. While Dragon protecting Owner, the Owner is in STAND BY mode to fight monster. (Even if Owner feeding the Dragon)
If Dragon’s health point less than 80 over 100, Owner will HEAL Dragon every 0.5 second.
If Dragon dies, Owner will FIGHT the monster.
If Owner health point less than or equal to 0, Owner will DIE.

FSM  # 2 – Dragon(pet)       

If Dragon hunger more than 50, the Dragon will be HUNGRY and send message to Owner.
If Owner never see monster, the Dragon will MOVE around with Owner.
If Owner see monster, the Dragon will PROTECT Owner. (Even it is hungry)
If Dragon health point is less than or equal to 0, the Dragon will DIE.


If Dragon hunger more than 50, the Dragon will be HUNGRY and send message to Owner.
If Owner never see monster, the Dragon will MOVE around with Owner.
If Owner see monster, the Dragon will PROTECT Owner. (Even it is hungry)
If Dragon health point is less than or equal to 0, the Dragon will DIE.

Finite State Machine

Programming language: C++
Software: Microsoft Visual Studio
Engine: Opengl

Player is a pirate, gun as a weapon.
When the player shoot the bullet, it must hit the ghost or out of the playable area, then the player able to shoot again.
Player had to pass through the protector and go into the door to get the treasures.

FSM # 1                                       States

Ghost spawning machine (enemy)

When ghost is less than 4 and player had not kill 20 ghosts, spawn more ghost to 4.
When player shoot ghost, the ghost get hit by the bullet, the bullet had same position as the ghost and ghost health point more than 0, follow and damage the player.
If the bullet is not same position as the ghost and the player in the healing area, Ghost move around.
Ghost health point is less than or equal to 0, ghost get destroyed.


Ghost spawning machine (enemy)

When ghost is less than 4 and player had not kill 20 ghosts, spawn more ghost to 4.
When player shoot ghost, the ghost get hit by the bullet, the bullet had same position as the ghost and ghost health point more than 0, follow and damage the player.
If the bullet is not same position as the ghost AND the player in the healing area, ghost move around.
Ghost health point is less than or equal to 0, ghost get destroyed.

State Transition Diagram

FSM # 2                                     States


When player is in healing area and health point less than 50, start heals players’ health point till full, 100.
When player is not in healing area or health point reach 100 after healing or players’ health point more than 50, idle.
When player killed 20 ghosts, open the door to exit.



When player is in healing area AND health point less than 50, start heals players’ health point till full, 100.
When player is not in healing area OR health point reach 100 after healing OR 
players’ health point more than 50, idle.
When player killed 20 ghosts, open the door to exit.

State Transition Diagram

Other Inputs

Keyboard Inputs
W - Move Forwards
A - Move Left
S - Move Right
D -Move Backwards
Enter - Shoot

- Collision Detection against ghost (player)
- Healing Health Point (player & protector)
- Player’s movement (left & right)
- Bullet’s movement & explosion
- Ghost’s movements

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Final Year Project

Title: "Lion City"
Programming language: Actionscript 3.0
Software: Flash Develop
 ·      As3isolib (Isometric)
 ·      Greensock (Animation)

*Video Link: Lion City Features

Features done by me:
·         ·         User Interface(UI)
·         ·         UI animation
·         ·         Music/Sound
·         ·         Land Expansion
·         ·         Tile System
·         ·         Road system
·         ·         Mouse Collision (mouse with image)
·         ·         Mouse Collision (mouse with pixel)
·         ·         Spot them
·         ·         Facebook feature (visit friend)

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Industrial Attachment Programme Project

Title: "Window Wiper"

Programming language: Actionscript 3.0
Software: Flash Develop
Hardware used: 
  • Webcam
  • Microphone
  • Red color object

Scope: To create a simulated scenario of a raining day and user can interact with a virtual window pane by blowing mists and drawing on it with a physical object using computer vision technique or mouse.
Description: This project is an interactive application. 
It is a simulation of a raining scenario outside of the window.
When the user blows into the microphone, there will be mist formed in random position on the “window”. User is able to draw on the mist by using the mouse or a red object of a fixed size and shape.
User is able to change the different rain scenario through keyboard input, the rain sound effect changes accordingly.
In order to make the simulation more realistic, there is also random lightning appearing with thunder sound effect.

Small rain

Normal rain

Heavy rain

Mist formed
Erase mist using mouse
Erase mist using color detection

Friday, December 16, 2011

3D Computer Graphics Assignment

Assignment 2: My Visual Space

Programming language: C++
Graphics engine: Opengl
Software: Microsoft Visual Studio

This is a scene of School of Interactive and Digital Media (SIDM), block M Level 6, just outside of the PS3 lab.
The scene shows the full showcase of SIDM, of all the diplomas. At the back of the scene, there are boards that wrote all the diplomas with diagrams showing its diploma about what.
There are chairs at left end of the scene for people to sit, while I added two Doraemons sit on the chair. One of the Doraemon, tilt a bit to face the front.

3D Computer Graphics Assignment

Assignment 1: Render my favorite character

Programming language: C++
Graphics engine: Opengl
Software: Microsoft Visual Studio

I did a Doraemon model for this assignment.

Front view of the doraemon

Side view of the doraemon

Top view of the doraemon

Back view of the doraemon

Perpective view of the doraemon

Multiple view port of doraemon with lighting and animation.
I had also added words like "Front" to show which viewport is viewing at which view.